Dear Customer,
Due to our supplier being unable to get enough help to manufacture their products many are not available at present.
Before ordering it is best to call us for product availability and we will hold items you would like and send them to you when your order comes in.
Thank You.
Youth | SM. | MED. | LG. | XLG. | ||
22-24" | 24-26" | 26-28" | 28-30" | |||
$27.00 | $27.00 | $27.00 | $27.00 | |||
Adult | SM. | MD. | LG. | XLG. | SLG. | |
28-32" | 32-36" | 36-40" | 40-44" | 44-48" | ||
$36.00 | $36.00 | $36.00 | $36.00 | * |
Adult | SM. | MD. | LG. | XLG. | SLG. |
28-32" | 32-36" | 36-40" | 40-44" | 44-48" | |
$23.00 | $23.00 | $23.00 | $23.00 | * |
Youth | SM. | MED. | LG. | XLG. | ||
22-24" | 24-26" | 26-28" | 28-30" | |||
$16.00* | $16.00* | $16.00* | $16.00* | |||
Adult | SM. | MD. | LG. | XLG. | SLG. (2XL) | SSLG. (3XL) |
28-32" | 32-36" | 36-40" | 40-44" | 44-48" | 48-52" | |
$21.00 | $21.00 | $21.00 | $21.00 | $21.00 | $21.00 |
Adult | SM. | MD. | LG. |
28-32" | 32-36" | 36-40" | |
$32.00 | $34.00 | $36.00 |
Size | Medium | Large |
27"x35" | 35"x42" | |
$28.00 | $33.00 |
Size | Medium | Large |
27"x35" | 35"x42" | |
$30.00 | $35.00 |
Set Of 4 | $6.00 |
Half Yard | Yard |
$15.00 | $29.00 |
Vinyl Tie Neck Bibs with Crumb Pocket | $22.00 |
Newborn | SM. | MED. | LG. | XLG. | Toddler |
5-8 lbs. | 8-12 lbs. | 12-20 lbs. | 20-30 lbs. | 30-35 lbs. | 36+lbs. |
$14.00 | $14.00 | $14.00 | $14.00 | $14.00 | $14.00 |
Newborn | SM. | MED. | LG. | XLG. |
5-8 lbs. | 8-12 lbs. | 12-20 lbs. | 20-30 lbs. | 30-35 lbs. |
$8.00 | $8.00 | $8.00 | $8.00 | $8.00 |
Note: All pull on pants, diapers, all in ones, and bloomers have lycra over the elastic in the legs and waist that will not chaff or pinch the skin, except for wickless pants or encased elastic rubber pants.
We welcome suggestions on other products you would like us to carry. We have some other products available but not cataloged due to availablility. Some are onezies, coverall pants, adult size nipples and pacifiers.
Since we are a home based business we are often available evenings and Saturdays. Best to call first as we have other work at times and may not be available. If we are not available please leave a message and we will get back to you as quickly as possible. Please repeat phone number twice.
* Special requests, allow 2-4 weeks for delivery, 50% deposit. Call 503-399-1420 for details.
Print the form below, fill it out, and send to 4682 Swegle Rd. N.E. Salem, OR. 97301-2017. If you cannot see the order form below please download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader and reload the page.
Thank you for your purchase of our quality products. A few suggestions may be a help for easier care and greater longevity.
If you have any other suggestions or comments we would appreciate hearing from you.
A large portion of children get over bed wetting in the first few years, usually by age two to three except for occasional "accidents" after that. However there is still a large number of children that this problem continues with them for varing numbers of years. The problem can be caused or prolonged by any one or more of a variety of things. Often children are hurried or forced to grow up to fast (Now days we make you a man while you wait). Well meaning parents can often push a child to hard to be potty trained when the child is not quite ready yet.
Children grow up at different rates. A child will take the next step in his or her growing up when they feel a secure foundation on what they have already learned or accomplished. Forcing a child to grow up to fast usually results in prolonging the problem and frustrating the parents due in part to the child feeling insecure and not feeling ready to take the next step.
Other things that can cause or prolong the problem are family problems in the home that cause stress and insecurity or a desire to get attention, especially when a new baby arrives. If a child is threatened, humiliated, or otherwise punished for bed wetting this can add to or prolong the problem. Kindness and loving understanding will probably help the child to get over the problem sooner. There also may be an organic disturbance or a lack of the right nutrients in the diet for proper development of the muscles used to control the flow, or perhaps the child just feels more secure and happy in diapers, this can be more prevelent when a new baby comes along and the child is no longer the baby in the family and is not getting as much attention as before. Children should be allowed to grow up at a rational rate.
Some people in much stress find wearing diapers very comforting, the same as a child has his favorite "blankie" or a pacifier. Some teens and adults just like wearing diapers.
More often than not bed wetters are heavy sleepers, they seem to need more deep sleep. Well meaning parents will often try various wake up methods such as some one else getting up at night to wake them up to go to the bathroom (Now two people can have disturbed sleep) or an alarm going off to let you know you already wet the bed and then further the agony by washing their face in cold water after getting up. How would you like to wash your face in cold water in the middle of the night when you are half asleep?
Doctors tell us, "Listen to your body", "The body doesn't lie". When the body is deep in sleep it is because that rest is needed, and it is best not to disturb it. An alarm going off to let you know "its to late" when the body is deep in sleep is like "locking the barn door after the horse is stolen". What good does it really do? The problem may be alleviated a lot sooner by letting the bed wetter wear diapers and rubber pants to bed and by sleeping on a rubber sheet so they are able to get a good nights sleep, especially when its a child growing up and there body is developing they need proper rest. Besides, whats wrong with the tried and true. Also a good night of rest is far more important to a persons overall health and general wellbeing than getting up one or more times a night to use the bathroom.
Heavy sleepers might not sleep so soundly that it is hard for them to wake up if they had a few dietary corrections. Perhaps a lot of fresh raw fruits and vegetables would be a good thing to help them sleep well and not need to get up or that they would be more alert to the need and be able to wake up and take care of the need on their own without wetting the bed, but if not what is wrong with wearing diapers, other than our pride? Diapers are like a cane, crutch, eye glasses, hearing aids, or false teeth, if it is good and can help you get through life, than use it. (No doctor bills, no drugs, no side effects, and cheap too).
A good diet of fresh raw fruits and vegetables could possibly be the right thing to supply the nutrients needed to develop the desired control and also get a good nights rest. If we all ate 75% of each meal of fresh raw fruits and vegetables it would probably help us to feel better, sleep better, normalize blood pressure, and have more energy etc. etc.
These suggestions hopefully will be a help to alleviate the problem so it won't be necessary to "Lock the barn door...after the horse is stollen".
Copyright © 2010 Rod Cox. All rights reserved. My Opinion series.
Why is it that as an adult we seem to have to prove that we are an adult by making some tasks more difficult for us than we do for our children?
When we are sick, weak, in pain and laying in bed or in the hospital in pain, weakness, and discomfort and are supposed to drink a lot of fluids (Doctor's orders you know) we make it so hard for ourselves. We first try to drink from a cup or glass and after adding to our pain and discomfort by trying to lean on our elbow or on our side, we then spill water or whatever on ourselves, the bed and the floor after which we decide, ...there must be... a "better way", so we then try the straw or bendable straw routine and end up choking as we cannot control the flow into our mouths while laying down on our back or side.
Strange as it may seem we know how to make drinking while laying on ones side or back, easy, simple, comfortable and uncomplicated for our children and infants, but as adults we seem to have to make it hard on ourselves, I guess just to prove to ourselves that we are grown up, or something like that anyway.
Why not do for ourselves as we do for our children, simply put a nipple on a bottle to control the flow with our suck swallow coordination and drink from that? Simple, no spilling, no choking, or other discomforts, and no college degree needed or required. You can stay comfortable on your back and drink what the Doctor ordered (or common sense might teach) without adding to your pain and discomfort by simply using...this age old "proven technology".
Copyright © 2010 Rod Cox. All rights reserved. My Opinion series.
Pacifiers (soothers, exercisers, dummies, or therapudic trainers) are generally thought of as mostly for infants and children but they are also used by youth and adults for their therapudic value as they are calming, soothing, and comforting.
For years mom's would use a ball of cloth soaked in sugar water as a pacifier until little over one hundred years ago they started making them from rubber or latex. For years pacifiers have been made of latex, in recent years they have started using silicone rubber, however the latex pacifier is much nicer than the silicone pacifier as the latex is softer and more natural and also more comforting. In recent studies it has been found that the use of a pacifier for infants appears to help reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrom or otherwise known as instant crib death). Also a small child when put into a new environment, such as a day care, or with a new baby sitter will often adapt quicker and easier if they have some favorite things with them such as their favorite "blankie" or a pacifier.
For adults the calming effect of a pacifier has been known to help lower blood pressure, stop griding of teeth, stop snooring and even sleep better. Some types of night coughs have been stopped by its use also. They also can aid digestion by encouraging the flow of saliva.
Pacifiers have been used quite successfully to help people stop smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking, or over eating. They are also helpful to get people to stop sucking their thumb or fingers, which can be helpful as many suck their thumb or fingers in public, but when switched to a pacifier will catch themselves and not use it in public. Sucking one's thumb or finger is quite hard on teeth also and a pacifier can relieve that problem.
They are also good to keep saliva worked up in the mouth to wash over the teeth, the saliva being alkaline neutralizes the acid particles from decaying food around the teeth thus being a possible deterent to tooth decay much the same as was discovered by a study in England years ago that showed that people who chewed gum after eating had approximately 35% less decay due to the saliva being worked up from chewing gum after eating. After dental work when the mouth is still numb they can be used quite effectively to keep from biting the tongue or inside of the mouth.
In Germany the NUK Therapudic Trainer is listed as a Class 1 Medical Device for speech and physiotherpy. The manufacturer says that they can be used for a number of therapudic uses including overcoming suction weakness and normalizing defective oral motor activity (e.g Oral breathing as well as suction, chewing, swallowing, speech and mimiking gesture disorders). In addition using a pacifier can have a positive effect on regulation or harmonisation of the intraoral and perioral musculature. The NUK Therapudic Trainer can also be used for speech, voice and breathing therapy applications, as well as suck-swallow coordination. Persistant habits such as grinding of teeth, clenching the teeth and tongue associated with pain, and cracking of the jaw joints can also be effectively treated.
Copyright © 2010 Rod Cox. All rights reserved. My Opinion series.
While we are being carried by our mothers, as we grow we are sucking our thumb. When we are born we are immediately put on our mothers breast or a bottle. As we grow we suck our thumb or fingers till the need goes away or we are forced to stop.
While many stop sucking thier thumbs at variable young ages there are many who continue to do so or would like to but due to outside influences choose to suck on something else, such as lollipops, straws, pens, pencils, erasers, tobacco products, etc. Sucking is a natural instinct from before birth and seems to give much comfort to the individual as well as nourishment to infants when nursing.
Sucking ones thumb or fingers can be hard on the teeth if done a lot or very long after the first few years. Some suck their thumbs well into adult life. Pacifiers are much easier on the teeth due to their softness compared to a thumb. Pacifiers are used by all ages in many parts of the world.
Pacifiers are made in two main types with many variations. They are either round or an orthodontic design. Pacifiers are made from rubber, latex, or silicone rubber. The latex pacifier which has been used for many years is probably the best and most comforting material for the baglet (The baglet is made up of the stem or neck and the teat which is the expanded part). They can be made all in one piece such as the Grip-Tite all latex type or in two or three separate parts consisting of baglet, face plate or shield, and ring. Face plates and rings are usually made from a good grade of plastic. Silicone seems to be replacing latex for nipples and pacifiers but latex still is the best material for the baglet I believe.
Choosing the right pacifier, especially for youth or an adult is a little more difficult than for infants or children as they are not as readily available for youth and adults as they are for children.
With a round pacifier the teeth can close evenly top and bottom very easily thus putting little or no strain on the teeth and this results in more comfort and longer times using it. An orthodontic style seems best if the stem or neck goes into the mouth clearing both upper and lower teeth before expanding to the larger part of the baglet. This is so the teeth can close on it evenly from both upper and lower sides which results in more comfort and thus being able to use it for longer periods of time with little or no stress on the teeth.
Pacifiers are a very good thing and can be used by all ages. The comfort and calming derived from them for infants is much appreciated by mothers. For adults they have been found very effective to stop snoring, or grinding of teeth, also calming and comforting which can possibly help lower blood pressure, and also help one to sleep better. They have been successfully used to stop smoking, chewing tobacco, over eating, or drinking.
Also when gently sucking and teething on a pacifier the muscles from the jaw to the ear are worked which helps to keep the excess ear wax from building up in the ear.
A pacifier can be a valuable tool to help solve a number of problems.
Copyright © 2010 Rod Cox. All rights reserved. My Opinion series.
When I was in first grade, one day my teacher thought I had a temperature, so she sent me to the office to see the nurse.
Step 1. The school nurse had me sit on a chair and then proceeded to attempt to get my temperature. She then got a heavy antique thermometer and started probing it under my tongue to try and find the most uncomfortable place she could find to get a reading. After finding the desired spot under my tongue she then pulled her hand away and before she could turn away it fell out of my mouth landing on the floor ending up in multiple pieces.
Step 2. I felt bad that it got broken and just sat there quietly like a dumb bun little kid that did not know his right hand from his left, or how to tie his shoe either, and waited patiently while she started the process all over again with a new lighter weight thermometer. This time I really tried hard to bear the pain so she could obtain my temperature. If it had been high I might have been sent home from school, Wonderfull!! (School was not my favorite place anyway.) but instead I believe I had to go back to class where I could continue more of my usual day dreaming about what I would like to be doing at home more than at school attempting to learn the "3 R's". Why do they say the "3 R's" anyway, do these paid educators not know how to spell either.
Finally after many years of sticking glass thermometers in various parts of one's anatomy we now have a comfortable thermometer in the form of a pacifier. Great! It's about time some one used their brains for what they were intended for, ... rather than a cushion!
A pacifier is far more comfortable and easier to use. Why not just swallow your pride and use a pacifier type? You get the job done and you probably won't have to sweep the floor up afterward either.
Copyright © 2010 Rod Cox. All rights reserved. My Opinion series.
Some people when going through much stress in life look for comfort in many things, some buy a new car, or furniture, some take a trip, some take pills or any one or more of many other ways of relieving the stress they are experiencing.
Some like to step back in time to their childhood and try to re-live those precious early years when in the security of their parents care, this often can include wearing diapers and rubber pants, bottles, pacifiers, and sleeping on a rubber sheet in a crib or play pen. Also sitting in a highchair to eat is very comforting to them, and a bib can help too.
These desires can be brought on in later life by stress, but also this desire can be brought on by the child being forced to grow up to fast (Now days "We make you a man while you wait.") and missed the security of a good foundation in each step of development. (Children used to be allowed to grow up at a rational rate) Forcing a child to throw away the security blanket, pacifiers, bottle or be potty trained before they are ready and feeling secure with a good foundation of previous steps only causes them to want to revert and go back and start over, some time in life, either then or later.
A child will let you know when they are ready for the next step. They will probably progress much faster if they are not rushed.
There is an ever growing number of youth and adults that feel security and comfort in this manner, and many more would like to revert to there youth in some way but for various reasons they can't or don't.
I'm told that psycholigsts say that a large percentage (about 80%) of adults take a childhood toy or other childhood object to bed with them, usually a teddy bear or other stuffed animal, this seems to help people sleep better and relieve stress when reminded of their pleasant childhood days. Some parents will cuddle up with their little ones in their crib or playpen for comfort and loving care of their precious little gems.
A lot of people have a double standard and don't realize it. They condemn an adult for using a pacifier but don't think anything of someone with a cigarette in their mouth. When it comes down to it what difference does it make what kind of bed you sleep in, or chair you sit in? Who cares? What difference does it really make? If it brings you comfort and releaves stress (and blood presure to) be thankful for pleasant memories to think about and enjoy, no doctor bills, no drugs and no side effects, just some comfort and a good night of rest.
Copyright © 2010 Rod Cox. All rights reserved. My Opinion series.